Lab Director

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Didem Ozevin, PE
Civil Engineering
My research interest is to integrate structural design with damage detection philosophies for more resilient and sustainable infrastructure systems. The specifics of damage detection methods to embed into structural design include the control of elastic wave propagation released by defects with acoustic metamaterials, sub-wavelength imaging with nonlinear ultrasonics and phononic crystals, MEMS sensors for light-weight structural health monitoring systems, and real-time algorithm development with multi-sensor and machine learning. The infrastructure and manufacturing examples include underground structures, bridges, and welding. My primary teaching interests are structural analysis and design including steel structures and pre-stressed concrete structures, structural dynamics and nondestructive evaluation. I introduce innovation in structural design in undergraduate courses and bring research outcomes as a part of course content. I believe in continuing education to tackle the challenging infrastructure problems and adapt the technological advancement in data and manufacturing into Civil Engineering curriculum.