Bascule Bridge in Chicago

NDE Lab's Mission Heading link

We study elastic wave-based nondestructive evaluation methods, including acoustic emission and ultrasonics to improve damage diagnostics in infrastructure systems.

Ozevin’s research group studies the intelligent structural design and inspection concepts by bringing the damage detection methods into the design practice. They study Acoustic Emission and Nonlinear Ultrasonics, and design new generation MEMS-based AE and UT sensors specifically tuned to certain applications. To improve the damage detection capability into design, they introduced the elastic metamaterial concepts with unique dispersion characteristics that will be modified with the presence of damage.

Images of Research Heading link

News Heading link

May 2024 - Ozevin with collaborators are leading a special issue at the Journal of Developments in the Built Environment. The link to special issue is here:
October 2023 - UIC team (Ozevin and Daly) received DOE NEUP grant in collaboration with University of Michigan, Argonne National Laboratory and Westinghouse. The objective is to advance ultrasonic imaging of additively manufactured metals.
October 2022 - Ozevin and Daly received $800k research grant from Department of Energy Nuclear Energy University Program to develop high temperature ultrasonic sensors for advanced reactors. The research is in collaboration with Argonne National Laboratory and MISTRAS Group Inc.
August 2022 - Ph.D. student, Chenxi Xu, received NSF INTERN supplement to conduct industrial research at GUIDEDWAVE for one semester.
September 2021 - Ozevin received College of Engineering Teaching and Advising awards.
August 26, 2020 - Ozevin received new NSF grant to commercialize the MEMS AE sensor under PFI-TT program
25-27 May, 2020 - 1st Virtual Acoustic Emission Working Group Meeting organized with over 100 participants
May 27, 2020 - Congratulations to Gorkem Okudan for winning the third place at the 2020 Christopher Burke PhD Poster Competition
June 15, 2019 - Ozevin received new NSF grant in collaboration with Prof. Serife Tol (University of Michigan) for Ultrasonic Wave Amplification via GRIN lens.
June 14, 2019 - Ozevin elected as the chair of Acoustic Emission Working Group.
June 2019 - Ozevin co-chaired of 9th International Conference on Acoustic Emission, Chicago
May 2019 - Ozevin chaired the 10th Conference of International Structural Engineering and Construction (ISEC) Society,

Available Position - Ph.D. Students for Spring 2025 and Fall 2025 Heading link

Applications are invited for a Ph.D. study on nondestructive evaluation of materials, mechanical testing and characterization and numerical simulations.

Required qualifications and assessment

A successful candidate for PhD. position must hold a Master of Science degree in civil engineering, materials engineering or mechanical engineering with previous experience on nondestructive evaluation. The evidence for conducing scientific research is expected.

Application procedure

Applications, together with all relevant enclosures, must be submitted via email (to or apply through the link below by August 15, 2024.

The following documents must be attached to the application: (1) Curriculum vitae and  (2) A brief (maximum one page) research experience on the topic area.